Influencer Marketing Resources

3 Social Hub Softwares to Display User-Generated Content on Your Website

Written by Kristen Wiley | October 25, 2017


You’ve built a great product, and now people are sharing about it on social media. Congrats, you have reached the holy grail marketing – word-of-mouth. And now that you have this authentic content showcasing real people using and loving your product, it is time you show it off. Not only can this increase conversion rates on your website, but it can also build current customers loyalty.

User-generated content is very powerful. In fact, 92% of consumers claim that they trust user-generated content, aka earned media, more than other forms of advertising. So why not invest money in showing off this content. There are various social hub softwares you can use to display it on your website easily, and here are a few of our favorites:

1. Tintup

Tintup is a great option to display your earned content, especially if you are have a medium sized company receiving content from different websites. It looks at over 15 channels and social media networks. They also have different templates from you to easily choose how you want to display that content, which could be helpful for those not trying to create their own content display design.

2. Pixlee

Pixlee also looks at a large variety of sources and social media sites when organizing user-generated content. They’re used and trusted by many larger companies--you can check out testimonials on their site. Pixlee also researches analytics, which can be incredibly helpful for showing more measurable results of success.

3. Tagboard

Tagboard is a cool option that also works well with bigger companies. It offers a page that looks like a literal board, where hashtags from various sources surrounding a specific hashtag/topic are displayed. On their website, you can even try it out for free by entering a word and it’ll show you all the hashtags associated with it in their board format.

These are just three social hub softwares, but there are a ton more out there for you to explore. If you have a favorite that is not listed, please let me know so we can add it!

Need Help Getting User-Generated Content?

If you need help jump starting your user-generated content, we can help you make it happen. At Statusphere, we connect brands with micro-influencers; and when these micro-influencers post about your brand, you are automatically getting user-generated content with the added bonus of exposure to potential customers. Click here to learn more!