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TikTok UGC: How Brands Use TikTok User-Generated Content (Guide)

Written by Kristen Wiley | September 4, 2024

User-generated content (UGC) is everything on TikTok.

Think about it. The majority of all TikTok videos are created by everyday users, not brands.

See for yourself! Do a quick TikTok search of any brand and product. Chances are you'll see creator videos with no brand accounts or videos in sight.

That's no accident! Consumers on TikTok crave content from actual people. There's a reason why brand campaigns on TikTok are focused on user-generated content. 

Below we dig into everything brands need to know about TikTok UGC, why it outperforms branded content and tips to take advantage of user-generated content on TikTok.

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What is TikTok UGC?

Why Do So Many Brands Use UGC on TikTok?

Best Practices for Using TikTok UGC

How to Measure the Success of TikTok User-Generated Content

3 Ways to Get More TikTok User-Generated Content

What is TikTok UGC?

User-generated content on TikTok refers to videos created by everyday users (not brands).

TikTok UGC features real people sharing their experiences with a product or brand in a relatable way. In these types of videos, creators aren't reading from a script or rattling off talking points from brands. Instead, they're sharing their authentic reactions and thoughts.


Unlike traditional branded content, UGC on TikTok tends to feel more like a personal recommendation than a sales pitch. This builds trust with viewers and likewise encourages engagement from audiences. 

This explains why so many brands on TikTok are getting more UGC as authentic promotions are a top priority for reaching consumers who crave authenticity. 

Examples of User-Generated Content on TikTok

Again, nearly everything on TikTok is technically user-generated content. That means you don't have to look hard to find examples of TikTok UGC in the wild!

Here are some specific examples of how UGC creators promote products on TikTok:

  • Product reviews and testimonials
  • Unboxings and hauls
  • How-to videos and tutorials
  • Creative challenges and trends
  • Duets and collaborations with other users

User-generated content on TikTok is king because of its authenticity and videos are among the best types of UGC because of how engaging they are. When consumers see real people enjoying a product, they're more likely to trust the brand and consider making a purchase. It's really that simple.

This trust applies to sponsored content such as influencer posts featuring creators, too. Below is an example of how TikTok user-generated content drives massive engagement. Even though the creator is clearly promoting a product on behalf of a brand, trust and authenticity are still there.


Why Do So Many Brands Use UGC on TikTok?

TikTok's unique algorithm and highly engaged shopping audience make it the perfect platform to gather and promote UGC. Specifically, here's why brands should make TikTok UGC a priority:

Unmatched Authenticity and Loyalty

TikTok users crave genuine content and over-polished ads just don’t cut it anymore. Shoppers want to see how a product works in real life and UGC delivers that authenticity brand-generated content can’t match. 

UGC not only builds trust but also invites your audience to be part of your brand’s story, fostering a much-needed sense of community and loyalty.


With UGC, you can showcase a wide range of content styles and customer perspectives. Creator diversity helps your brand reach and appeal to a much larger target audience. This variety keeps your content fresh and engaging, helping you stand out from the crowd.

Increased Organic Reach

TikTok's algorithm favors content that drives engagement. By default, UGC videos often perform better than brand-created content.

It's no coincidence that brands earn more engagement when they repost UGC compared to in-house creatives that look super polished. Not to mention the fact that TikTok creators can earn massive reach regardless of their follower counts.

Check out how the creator below earned a staggering 480,000 "Likes" on her promotional video with only 21,000 followers.



Consider also UGC also has a ripple effect when it comes to reach. As users create and share content, it reaches their followers who in turn create their own content. This further amplifies your brand's reach by feeding the TikTok algorithm. This organic spread can significantly boost brand awareness, especially when coupled with UGC ads.

More Cost-Effective Marketing on TikTok

Creating high-quality video content for TikTok ads can be expensive. Not to mention time-consuming, especially when it's all done in-house.

On the flip side, UGC immediately improves the effectiveness of your TikTok ad campaigns. This applies to content earned from customers, UGC creators and influencers alike. 

Food for thought: creator-based Spark Ads outperform regular ads with a 30% higher completion rate, 142% more engagement and a 43% lift in conversions. Authentic content translates into increased paid campaign ROI as a result.

Consider that users who interact with UGC ads are more likely to convert into paying customers. According to our own internal data, there's been a 73.3% increase in brands citing "repurposable content" as the primary goal for their influencer marketing campaigns on TikTok.

This highlights how earning more TikTok UGC is about more than just buzz as doing so can have a significant impact on your ability to convert customers from social media.

Best Practices for Brands Using TikTok UGC

Whether you're already driving user-generated content or hope to source more in the future, you need to understand what to do with it (and how that all works).

Below are some best practices and guidelines for TikTok UGC for bands:

Let Creators Be Themselves

Let users express themselves in their own way. While it's okay to provide guidelines, avoid being too restrictive. The beauty of TikTok user-generated content lies in its diversity and creativity.

The more genuine the content, the better it will perform. Encourage creators to share their honest experiences with your products. Authentic content resonates more with audiences and is more likely to be shared.

Focus on Audience Engagement

As noted earlier, TikTok's algorithm rewards content that drives engagement. Encourage your audience to like, comment and share UGC if you repost it yourself. The more engagement your content receives, the more likely it is to be seen by a broader audience.

On that note, tracking engagement metrics is important when looking at TikTok UGC, especially in the context of ads. Take a look at what your top-performing posts are and what they have in common. For example, your most liked and shared videos are likely perfect candidates for Spark Ads.

Collaborate with Micro-Influencers

Partnering with TikTok micro-influencers can help you tap into niche communities on the app and reach super-specific target audiences. "Small" influencers have highly engaged followers and can create UGC that feels authentic and aligned with your brand regardless of your industry.

Repurpose Your TikTok UGC in Ads

We'll say it again: don’t limit the power of your UGC to TikTok. Granted you have usage rights, consider how you can use your UGC across your website or even in marketing emails. This maximizes the content's impact and reach, especially compared to brand-created videos.

The easiest way to repurpose TikTok UGC for high-impact ads is through Spark Ads. This native feature allows you to promote user-generated in paid campaigns while piggybacking on a creator's reach and audience. Coupled with TikTok Shop, the platform provides a huge upside for brands and creators alike.


How to Measure the Success of TikTok UGC

There's plenty that you can track to keep a pulse on performance and how your UGC is impacting your TikTok marketing efforts. This includes:

  • Engagement rates. Track likes, comments, shares, and views to measure how well your UGC is resonating with your audience. This is again important if you plan to run Spark Ads as high-performing organic content translates to stronger paid performance. You may also want to benchmark how your TikTok user-generated content performs against in-house content and ad creatives.

  • Conversion rates. Monitor the number of users who take action after interacting with UGC, such as visiting your website or making a purchase. The positive impact of TikTokers on purchasing decisions is well-documented.  Tracking direct conversions from TikTok can be done through either Spark Ads or performance data via TikTok Shop affiliates.

  • Reach and Impressions. Keep an eye on how many users your UGC is reaching. High reach and impressions indicate that your content is being widely shared and viewed. This can be reflected in ranking for social media keywords, an uptick in positive product reviews and other social mentions.

  • Return on ad spend (ROAS). If you're using Spark Ads or other paid promotions for UGC, track your ROAS to ensure that your investment is delivering results. You might be surprised at how much your UGC ads outperform non-UGC ads.

By regularly reviewing these metrics, you can fine-tune your TikTok UGC strategy to maximize impact and achieve your marketing goals.

How Much User-Generated Content Do Brands Need on TikTok?

Depends on who you ask!

More UGC is always good news for brands. We've seen firsthand how brands that get 100s of posts from creators on a regular basis can rapidly cycle content for Spark Ads and increase organic performance at the same time.

In fact, here's some new data from TikTok's 2024 holiday marketing guide which supports the notion that brands need high volumes of content to optimize their UGC strategies.

For reference, TikTok recommends at least 18 assets (pieces of UGC) for a 4-week ad campaign and up to 72 pieces of UGC for an 8+ week campaign.

The report also notes that "creative variety" is key to maximizing reach. Meanwhile, brands benefit from cycling through multiple ad creatives and ad groups every two weeks. This data emphasizes the importance of content variety and regular campaign refreshes to maximize engagement and performance on TikTok.

3 Ways to Get More TikTok UGC as a Brand

To wrap up this guide, here are three ways for brands to get more UGC on TikTok:

1. Encourage UGC Naturally

One of the most effective ways to generate user-generated content (UGC) on TikTok is to encourage it organically. Here are a few strategies:

  • Branded hashtag campaigns. Done right, branded hashtags serve as a passive way for brands to encourage more user-generated content on TikTok. 

  • Giveaways and contests: Prizes and rewards can incentivize participation and generate a large amount of UGC. Just make sure you follow the rules of running a TikTok giveaway!

  • Creator communities. Consider how you can build and nurture a community of TikTok creators and brand advocates. By regularly engaging with these creators and collab opportunities (think: through exclusive or gifted products), you can source UGC long-term.

While these tactics can be done by any brand with a sizeable following, all of the above is still time-consuming as you must incentivize each piece of UGC and confirm usage rights prior to posting it.

2. Source UGC Creators Through TikTok

Another option is to source UGC directly from TikTok creators natively. Here's how:

  • TikTok Creator Marketplace. This native platform on the app connects brands with creators who are interested in sponsored content. You can filter creators by criteria such as their follower count, engagement rate and preferred industries. These collabs must be coordinated one by one. 

  • Direct outreach: To kick off your UGC campaign, you can reach out to UGC creators who align with your industry and have experience promoting products like yours. While this method allows you to have more control over your content, it can be time-consuming to vet creators, negotiate terms and manage communication yourself.

3. Use a Dedicated TikTok UGC Platform

For a more streamlined and efficient approach, consider using a dedicated TikTok UGC platform like Statusphere. For starters, our platform helps brands...

  • Match with TikTok creators. Our platform connects brands with vetted UGC creators based on 250+ first-party data points. This results in relevant matches from creators that closely resemble your target audience.

  • Speed up or eliminate campaign tasks. For example, our platform handles everything from compensation and fulfillment to guaranteeing posts and gathering usage rights.

  • Scale UGC ads. For example, Statusphere's platform has built-in UGC content rights and instant Spark Ad codes so you can gather and promote your TikTok UGC in one platform.

By using an influencer platform like Statusphere, you can save time, effort, and resources while creating a content engine that produces TikTok UGC like clockwork.

How to Get More TikTok UGC for Your Brand ASAP

The demand for UGC on TikTok is at an all-time high for brands like yours.

Given that brands are expected to have dozens of creatives on deck, scaling user-generated is a requirement for brands looking to make an impact with both organic content and paid ads on TikTok.

And that's where Statusphere's platform can save the day.

Our TikTok influencer marketing platform can streamline and scale your brand’s TikTok UGC and Spark Ads without requiring you to lift a finger. By leveraging advanced matchmaking and a vetted influencer network, our platform is built to help brands optimize their content strategies.

With over 75,000+ pieces of authentic content already created for 400+ consumer brands, Statusphere is ready to help you do the same.

Want to see how our software works? Get in touch with one of our experts to discover how Statusphere can help your brand scale TikTok UGC in a fraction of the time.