Influencer Marketing Platforms

5 Top Influencer Management Platforms to Streamline Campaigns

With the right influencer management platform, brands can escape spreadsheets and streamline campaigns at the same time. Below are five tools that can help!

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“I had no idea there was this much to do.”

We hear this all the time. Both from new influencer managers and teams tasked with scaling their influencer programs.

And sure, overseeing creator campaigns of any size comes with its challenges.

But those challenges snowball without the right influencer management software.

Chances are you’ve tried using tracking spreadsheets or other workarounds like organizing your influencer campaigns on tools such as Airtable or Monday.

The reality? Spreadsheets can’t replace an influencer management platform

Bouncing between inboxes and spreadsheets isn’t sustainable if you want to scale. With the right platform, you can organize campaigns and take tedious tasks off your plate. 

Below we break down five influencer management tools that can help do just that.

5 of the Best Influencer Marketing Management Platforms and Tools for Brands

Every influencer platform is different in terms of what it can do. 

While some software offers end-to-end influencer campaigns and discovery, other tools such as self-service influencer CRMs can organize your existing creators.

But what your brand really needs depends on your bandwidth and goals.

Here’s our take on what all influencer management tools should be able to do:

  • Consolidate communication between brands and creators
  • Eliminate back-and-forth related to contracts and compensation
  • Encourage positive relationships between you and your influencers
  • Reduce bouncing between inboxes, analytics tools and social apps
  • Streamline the creator experience and foster long-term collabs

Each of the influencer management platforms below ticks these boxes in its own way. 

And with that, let’s dive in!

1. Statusphere

Best for: brands seeking end-to-end influencer marketing management through pre-negotiated collabs with micro-influencers.

statusphere influencer management platform screenshot

You can’t blame us for putting us at the top of our own list, right?

Most influencer management platforms offer brands a place to handle their day-to-day duties. This includes outreach, fulfillment, gathering content and compensating creators.

Our software takes a different approach that empowers brands to scale their content.

Statusphere’s platform automates 98% of the manual legwork related to influencer management. Specifically, the most tedious and time-consuming tasks on your plate.

That’s because our software doesn’t require one-on-one communication with creators. 

Our take? Brands can ensure a better creator experience by eliminating needless back-and-forth. Seamlessly getting products into creators’ hands with pre-negotiated collabs is a win-win for brands and influencers alike. 

Here’s a rundown of how our hands-off influencer campaign management software creates a better experience for influencers by streamlining tasks:

  • Brands are only matched with vetted micro-influencers from our network. Compensation is pre-negotiated and handled by our platform. No outreach or responding to messages is required for either party.

  • Creators only receive collab opportunities with brands they love. We make this happen by matching brands with creators using 250+ first-party data points. Brands can also run product seeding campaigns using the same matchmaking.

  • Our fulfillment technology ensures timely, guaranteed product delivery to creators. Creators get relevant products in custom packaging with creative briefs based on your brand’s requirements. All without requiring brands to ship or track orders DIY.

  • After creators get their products and make their posts, brands get content in real-time with built-in usage rights and analytics. This also includes creator and campaign-level reports to keep a constant pulse on performance.

Statusphere-ReportingThe bottom line? The more influencers you work with, the more tasks pile up. 

That means lag time between campaigns, fewer posts and less engaged creators.

On the flip side, our software doesn’t require brands to individually brief creators, negotiate contracts or set up payments. All of the above are built directly into the platform alongside automated content and performance tracking.

Notable Influencer Management Features

  • Hands-off payment and influencer compensation with pre-negotiated collabs. Again, our platform does not require one-on-one communication with influencers. This as a win-win for brands and creators, eliminating roadblocks as you get products into influencers’ hands faster. This results in more posts for your brand without waiting or negotiating.
  • Search-free influencer recruiting. Statusphere uses 250+ first-party data points to match brands with relevant influencers from our vetted micro-influencer network. However, brands can also upload their own influencers via CSV. This gives brands much-needed flexibility when onboarding creators.

  • Creator-first fulfillment with guaranteed delivery. Unlike other influencer management platforms, our fulfillment doesn’t involve outsourcing or third-party integrations. Key features such as automated shipping notifications and custom packaging make for a creator-first experience. 

  • One portal for tracking influencer content and performance. Brands today need a constant pulse on their campaigns. Beyond analytics, our platform also sources your influencer content in real time with built-in usage rights. This eliminates bouncing between multiple apps to track campaign performance.

  • Support for ongoing, always-on collabs and product seeding. Our platform supports fulfillment for traditional influencer collabs and product seeding campaigns.

2. Promoty

Best for: brands seeking a more organized influencer relationship management workflow to monitor their creators and campaigns.

promoty's influencer management platform

Promoty’s influencer CRM is truly unique compared to the rest of our list. 

The platform’s strength is its organizational features, clean interface and workflow. This tool sits somewhere between a traditional CRM (think: HubSpot, Pipedrive) and project management tools like ClickUp or Asana. 

If you’re familiar with these types of tools, managing influencers in the platform will likely be second nature to you. Again, the interface is clean and straightforward.

Promoty’s Kanban-style creator boards provide a place to keep tabs on both individual creators and the status of any given campaign. Each creator card has note-taking, labeling and analytics built-in.

Like many influencer management tools on our list, Promoty also offers features for brands to find potential influencers to work with. This comes from a self-described “database of over 250 million influencers worldwide.” 

As noted in our post breaking down influencer databases, brands should be mindful that finding influencers from databases of this size (“millions”) does require serious digging and no guarantees when it comes to creator vetting or profile authenticity.

Promoty’s influencer relationship management platform is best for brands with an existing roster of creators who need to be organized beyond spreadsheets. Based on the platform’s key features and limit of 1,000 creators managed within the app, the tool is more focused on organization versus scaling content.

Notable Influencer Management Features

  • CRM-style campaign management and workflow. This includes the ability to label individual influencer marketing campaigns and creators and organize them in a Kanban-style board.

  • Creator and campaign-level reporting and performance analytics. Brands can track follower analytics and audience demographics for individual creators alongside their campaigns at large.

  • Built-in content-tracking. Like most other tools on our list, Promoty automatically aggregates social content published by creators.

  • Support for campaigns on social platforms including Instagram, TikTok and YouTube. Simple as!

  • Collaborative note-taking for teams. For example, teams and influencer marketing managers can add notes and attachments to their creator boards.

3. Roster

Best for: brands seeking to support, build or manage their brand ambassador programs. 

roster creator dashboard roster brand ambassador milestones

These days, the line between influencers, affiliates and ambassadors is blurry.

Roster’s influencer management platform acknowledges this and provides a solution to break down silos and manage all of the above in the same suite of tools. 

The platform’s biggest strengths are related to growing ambassador programs and tracking affiliate activity. Roster provides a place for brands to collect ambassadors’ UGC and reviews while also tracking commissions, referrals and payouts.

Creator profiles in Roster resemble that of most other influencer CRMs. One of the platform’s key features is its creator milestones and ambassador tiers built into each influencer profile. This incentivizes ongoing interactions and long-term collabs. 

While Roster organizes the process of running an ambassador program, one-on-one management and communication with creators is still required. Features such as automated payouts and in-app email templates speed things up, though.

Notable Influencer Management Features

  • Organize (or consolidate) your brand ambassadors, influencers and affiliates. In short, you can align all of your influencer marketing efforts in one place.

  • Create milestones across your campaigns. The platform enables brands to create tiered ambassador programs that result in repeat actions and long-term collaborations.

  • Distribute incentives to brand ambassadors. For example, brands can provide discount codes and other rewards for brands that hit specific ambassador milestones or tiers.

  • Analytics and reporting to monitor campaign actions and creator activity. You can monitor individual creators’ posts and engagement rates alongside campaign clicks, referrals and more.

  • Direct UGC uploads to your brand portal with built-in licensing rights. This reduces messaging and back-and-forth to gather content from your influencer collabs.

4. Storyclash

Best for: brands that primarily want an influencer discovery tool with secondary CRM features to organize campaigns in one place.

Storyclash creator profile dashboard

“AI-powered” tools are all the rage right now. 

Storyclash’s AI-driven influencer discovery is currently the platform’s trademark. This tool offers keyword-based, visual and filter-based influencer searches across a database of creators. 

Meanwhile, the platform’s suite of influencer management tools is in line with others on our list. This includes creator profiles, in-app emailing and content tracking. 

Storyclash’s planning boards help brands organize their creators and track their content and performance across platforms. The platform still requires brands to conduct manual outreach, tag creators individually and likewise upload individual contracts and creative briefs.

Notable Influencer Management Features

  • AI-driven influencer search. Brands can uncover creators directly within the platform using filters and keywords.

  • Tagging and tracking for influencer management and outreach. The platform provides labels for creators you’ve interacted with from the “prospecting” and “contacted” to the “approved” and “rejected” stages.
  • Individual creator profiles. Brands can find contact information, upload contracts and create organizational tags for creators in one place.

  • Creator and campaign-level analytics. Notably, brands can track Shopify conversions and generate white-labeled reports within Storyclash.
  • Built-in email templates to contact creators in bulk. The platform provides an in-app email feature for both influencer outreach and follow-ups.

5. Impact

Best for: brands seeking influencer management for affiliates and referral programs.

impact dashboard

Notably, Impact is the only other influencer campaign management tool on our list beyond Statusphere with an opt-in creator network (not a database of influencers). 

The platform allows brands to discover, negotiate and track influencers in one place. Content tracking and usage rights are also built into the platform alongside analytics.

Brands can specify influencer briefs, contracts and payment terms with creators individually while also monitoring campaign-wide performance. Product fulfillment for campaigns is handled through third-party integrations via Shopify. 

Meanwhile, creators can apply to work with your brand directly or you can conduct outreach within Impact’s influencer marketplace.

These features all help speed up and streamline the process of managing influencers. Yet again, one-on-one communication, negotiation and vetting of individual creators are still required with influencer marketing campaigns within the platform. 

Notable Influencer Management Features

  • Automated reminders and deliverables for creators. This feature reduces manual outreach and follow-ups while likewise reducing missed post deadlines.
  • Portal to collect content and analyze campaign performance. Impact offers cross-channel, first-party creator data aggregated in your brand portal.
  • Influencer-level profiles with contact information and analytics. Brands are also able to negotiate, share contracts and gather content from creators directly.
  • Easy setup of automated payment for creators. This ensures that influencers are compensated consistently and promptly.
  • Managed influencer services. Impact offers this service as an addition or supplement to its standalone influencer marketing platform.

How to Pick an Influencer Management Tool to Scale Content and Save Your Schedule

Improving influencer management is a top priority for brands and rightfully so.

And brands today are spoiled for choice when it comes to influencer management tools.

While most of the tools above can speed up or streamline most of your day-to-day tasks, Statusphere’s influencer management software eliminates them outright.

This frees up bandwidth so you can actually maximize the marketing potential of your content. Instead of spending time ironing out contracts or negotiating, you can instantly repurpose your posts or transform your influencer content into ads. 

Again, you shouldn’t have to scramble for new posts. As highlighted by these recent Statusphere reviews, time-saving is a trademark of our influencer marketing platform.

This time saved opens up more opportunities to optimize your future campaigns or pursue partnerships with macro-influencers beyond our network. At the same time, our platform earns you ongoing micro-influencer content via traditional campaigns or product seeding.  

Want to see how our platform works? Contact one of our experts to see why Statusphere is the best influencer marketing management tool for scaling content with minimal legwork. 

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