Beauty Brand Marketing

5 Product Seeding Examples That Drive Positive Reviews

Utilizing product seeding techniques like these companies did can boost brand awareness and garner authentic feedback. Here are 5 product seeding examples.

5  Product Seeding Examples That Drive Positive Reviews

Product seeding is used by brands to reach out on a larger-scale with the goal being to get the word out about your products organically. Once more and more people see your brand out there via positive reviews from those who have tried it, you start to grow loyal fans. While there may be several different product seeding programs you can run, it’s important to stay true to your brand and pick the method that’s right for you. Here are 5 product seeding examples that drive positive reviews to give you some inspiration:

1. VERB 

VERB is a brand that specializes in hair care products that are paraben, gluten and sulfate-free. VERB partners with ambassadors through a program called ‘VERB Friends.’ When you become a friend of the company you get sent products to test out beforehand to give honest feedback and share it with others on social media. 

By allowing ambassadors to try out products before their official launch, they gain valuable insights into what their target consumers will like/dislike. Don’t underestimate the power of maintaining positive relationships with brand ambassadors who are willing to test and spread awareness for your brand before an important launch! 


2. Express

Express is a fashion-forward company geared toward young women and men. They partner with ambassadors by sending out an e-gift card and an inspiration board to them. Express allows ambassadors to choose whichever clothing they like and fits their style to then post about it. By doing so, this allows ambassadors creative freedom while expressing themselves!


Teaming up with fashion bloggers is a great way to get high-quality, creative content from those who care about your brand the most.

3. Skratch Labs 

Skratch Labs is an independently owned business geared toward active people. They develop and sell food and drinks that are made from real ingredients to help with performance and a healthy lifestyle.

Skratch Labs has a mix of micro and macro-influencers, as well as celebrity sponsorships. Athletes who receive new products can potentially share them on social media platforms to reach larger audiences while micro-influencers reach more niche communities relating to their business. Their product seeding tactic combines the best of both worlds.

Skratch Labs

4. Bliss

Bliss is a skincare brand that curates products which are PETA certified, cruelty-free, and free from parabens, phthalates, SLS and SLES. Their main source of product seeding is reaching out to potential ambassadors through social media and emails. They offer to send a Bliss care package of goods in exchange for sharing pre-approved content.

Bliss focuses on micro-influencer communities of skincare aficionados who align with their brand’s mission to gain feedback on their products. Check out this influencer pitch email Bliss sent reaching out to influencers while announcing their partnership with The Trevor Project.

Bliss Pitch

5. Dollar Shave Club 

Dollar Shave Club is a company that specializes in grooming products, hence the name! Their product seeding tactic has been primarily through word-of-mouth. They offer a risk-free starter pack with products that the Club has to offer. If recipients enjoy what they receive, they can continue to have full-size products shipped to them. 

Dollar Shave ClubThis strategy can also lead recipients who end up loving their products to rave about each one, building even more awareness after being hooked by just the sample! (And if they aren’t fans of the starter items, this strategy helps avoid any wasted product.)

If you are looking to drive positive reviews for your brand, look no further. Utilizing certain product seeding techniques like these companies did will boost brand awareness and garner authentic feedback.

Want to launch a product seeding campaign? Chat with one of our influencer marketing specialists at Statusphere today!

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